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Live Shows


Behind the scenes of every show, conference or event there's a sound technician who makes sure everything is going smoothly. From the stage of ordering the equipment and checking its integrity, through setting up the stage and preparing the equipment before the start of the event, and operating the equipment from the moment the audience arrives 'til the end of the show.


With such a responsibility on the shoulders of the technician it's important to choose an experienced person who'll take care of all the technical needs and avoid unwanted malfunctions during the event.


Fortunately, this has been my field of activity for over 5 years and today I offer uncompromising professional service to a number of diverse places.


It's very easy to spot an unprofessional technician and we're all familiar with the awkward moment when staff members run around to deal with technical failure that pop up and may detract from the audience experience, causing great frustration among the organizers.

So if you want to make sure  that in the next event you are planning, you'll be able to sit quietly knowing that someone else is making sure that the day goes smoothly and perfectly well without unnecessary problems and worries - you've come to the right place!

 In order to get more details please feel free to contact me via the box down below


15/8 Nahar Prat Street

Jerusalem, IL 94501

Tel: +972-54-8036173

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